The People’s Hall is a space that is the embodiment of the ideas of liberty.
On January 1, 1846, nearly one year later after the East Fallowfield Riot, James Fulton Jr., the Corresponding Secretary for the East Fallowfield Anti-Slavery Society, writing to the Pennsylvania Freemen explained “Being shut out of our usual place of meeting, and…denied access to our school houses for purposes of moral and mental culture,— the friends of truth and freedom, although poor in means but resolute in purpose, conceived a plan of putting up a Free Hall…—resulting in the erection of a building…’The People’s Hall’…”
The Trustees of the People's Hall are restoring the Hall where all people are free to discuss every subject - "religion, morals, physics, politics or the like, irrespective of clime, cast, sex, sect, or party."
Please help us support the People's Hall.
As of Friday, June 30, 2023