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People’s Hall, 1940s
tonya thames taylor, third from left, is shown meeting at the People's Hall, with fellow trustees Robert Frye (left); James Petro III (second from left); James Petro Jr. (fourth from right); Brenda Millard (third from right); Chairman of the East Fallowfield Historic Commission, Joe McCormick (second from right); and East Fallowfield Township Supervisor John Nielson (right). The board of managers and trustees are working to raise funds for repairs on the historic structure in East Fallowfield, Pa. Phoot Credit: Bradley C Bower
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About People’s Hall
In the 19th Century a liberal faction within the Quakers began to take a more active role in the Abolitionist Movement. Ercildoun's proximity to the Mason-Dixon line made this small village an important crossroads of the Underground Railroad. In 1835, the East Fallowfield Anti-Slavery Society was formed and met at the Friends Meeting House. Following a Pro-Slavery attacks on local Meeting Houses, in 1845 the citizens pooled their resources and constructed the People's Hall to give the Abolitionists a place to meet undisturbed. Ercildoun was home to many Conductors on the Underground Railroad, and the People's Hall served them as a meeting place.
Since it's historical beginnings, the People's Hall continued to serve the community that founded it over 175 years ago. The People's Hall has been a meeting hall for the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, the Grange and the East Fallowfield Historical Society. It has served Ercildoun as a church, polling place, museum and the ceremony location for the Ercildoun Academy.
People’s Hall is managed by a board of Trustees, which over time became sparsely populated and marginally functional. As a result, maintenance of the building was deferred, causing interior and exterior damage that needs to be stabilized and repaired. The board has now been restructured, and with new talent and energy, is committed to returning People’s Hall to its rightful status as an important community building. They are seeking additional recognition, support and funding to preserve this threatened property.
In 2015, People's Hall was declared "At Risk" by Preservation PA and is listed among Pennsylvania's most endangered historic resources.